
Sunday, May 25, 2003

Hey guys! My other blog was fucking me about so I just thought that I would, for the pleasure and good of society, write another one! I know that some of you, if not ALL of you, were looking forward to me posting on my other blog, But I'm afraid that me and the other blog just didn't work out. I think its to do with this new version they are trying to get everyone to use. Anyway, I had these posts that I saved due to blog's gross crappiness but I never got any time to 'Air' them. So here I am, starting from scratch, just for YOU....and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and...I could do this forever.

Just got up from a 'MASS kaning session' with 'Mystery person #1' and 'Mystery Person #2'. I got pretty damn kaned, started to spin-out a little, which I haven't done in long time. I think its to do with all the mixed feelings and shit that I've been having over 'Said girl' recently. That's the thing with getting stoned, unless you are in the right frame of mind when you smoke, you will not have a very nice 'Kaning session'. Well anyway, we recorded this 'All night kaning session' (which ended about 3am because we all went to sleep on the floor when the camera went off), and we watched a little of it. Turns out that all we did all night was sit there and watch this really wierd movie with a 'Hard-ass Space Trucker'...I think the film was called 'Space truckers', funnily enough! We did also manage to talk about the wierdest shit! 'Mystery Person #1' is very good at spilling out mindless garble when he is stoned...hehe. The only thing I seem to be any good at is making completely racist and politically incorrect jokes...you'll see what I mean if you watch the video. Anyway, we managed to waste the day away COMPLETELY the next day! We got up, had a smoke (or two), this was at about 11:30am, then all of a sudden it was 9:00pm!!! It went SO fast, it felt like the day had lasted for 3 hours! And the wierd thing is that we had just sat around trying to think of something to do! Stoning is pretty, damn hard work in places!!!

Woke up this morning...what did I dream? I dreamed the most teasing dream that I had ever dreamt! I dreamt that me and 'Said Girl': Jess got back together. It was the first time we saw each other since we had, and it was so nice! I was happy and I mean REALLY happy and so was she! It was perrrrrfect! We had this kiss...and it was like something out of a fairy tail. It was too good to be true though I'm afraid, and I woke up just as I got one last look into her eyes :( Then I was like 'SHIT!', it was like God was saying to me 'Look! Look at what you can have, my child!!! But you never will because life is such a bitch and no one ever has what they really want!!! HARHARHARDEEHAR!!'. But saying that, who knows what might happen? Maybe this is some psychic premonition of things to come...would be nice, but I can't see it happening.

How is everyone's exams going? I think my English Literature was pretty good I wrote about 5/6 pages, I think. Anyway, e-mail me your news and stuff on your exams if you want to compare...you might not want to...but I never get any e-mails from anyone worthwhile since.... :( Anyway, all I know is that I havent revised and dont really plan to. I don't feel motivated to do it at all! When my teacher or mother tells me to revise, its like they are saying "Don't forgot, over the course of the exams, do the most boring thing you can ever imagine doing!!!" and "Stop doing your favourite...'thing' (e.g. skating) and go to your room and do the most boring that you can think of...NOW!". I mean, where the fuck is the motivation in that!?!? Obviously, you can see where I am coming from!? If not, then you must have been deprived of Thomas the Tank Engine and been fed Lima Beans for the duration of your childhood. Revision is the most boring thing after tiddlywinks! Moreover, they put the 'GCSE Bitesize Revision' program on at ludicrous times that paramount that of the sick-fetish porn 'Documentaries' of S4C!!!

I heard a really interesting quote while thinking about 'life', in general (I do that). What was this quote, you ask?

'The things in life worth learning cannot be taught'

Written in these few signicant words is a message which tears apart ANY pithy excuses for the education system and its lending of omnipotence over equal human beings to teachers. Anyway...who am I starting to sound like...? Ah, that's the one! I'm not going to say who, but I think that everyone (except the person in question) can guess who I am talking about.

I am going to France this summer to see Anais!!! Well..hope to, anyway. There is, of course, the small problem of money...being that I don't have any. And I imagine that I probably won't :( I need to find a job I think. But they (whoever) aren't going to be too happy when they (whoever) give me a job and I say 'Can I have time off over one of the busiest times of the year please?', or better still 'I quit!'. This being after about a month I would start working! E-mail me!!! If anyone out there knows of a job going or can get me a job then I would be their eternal slave!...Well I actually...wouldn't...but I would be very grateful! Perhaps there are people out there that wish to come with me?!?! Maybe we can all go on some big 'Going to Frace Orgy'!!! I think that's a pretty good idea actually! Anyone who wants to come...E-mail me, using the link above, tell me, and we can organise a big France thing!!! It would be really good if we can get lots of people to come, don't you think?

I shall leave you now!!! I hope that this blog has been entertaining for you! I shall post soon with all my other mindly...shit

But, for now. Look after yourselves aaaand each other....

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